Who can transport asbestos ? I Queensland to transport asbestos there are a few different scenarios there are rules for home owners, businesses and asbestos removal companies . All vary on the conditions and the quantities and there are strict regulations on how the asbestos is the be prepared for transport by all groups .
Lets start with the regulations around how asbestos must be prepared before transport . All asbestos to be transported must be double wrapped and sealed on 200um plastic and clearly labelled as asbestos . No exceptions if you are caught not following this you face fines and prosecution under the dangerous goods transport act . You will also have to find a regulated waste facility that will accept asbestos waste as many will not accept any quantity of asbestos .
First we will start with homeowners who have removed
asbestos on their own homes ( not recommended) . There is a weight limit of 250kg at the time of the writing of this blog. You will still have to find a registered facility that will accept asbestos and many have their own in house rules that vary from tip to tip that that will require you to follow once on site.
Next there are some limits for trades that remove asbestos incidentally as a part of other work they are carrying out eg. If a plumber is removing an asbestos pipe to fix some plumbing work . This must be still under 10 meters square and you will still have to follow any in house rules at the dump this must be under 250kg as well.
Professionally removed asbestos this includes handy men and anybody who is charging to remove asbestos as part of the works they are doing . All professional asbestos removal no matter what the quantity must have an environmental authority (ERA) from the Queensland Government .