Broadbeach Asbestos Removal

Broadbeach Asbestos Removal

Broadbeach and Broadbeach Waters have been a renovator’s paradise for as long as I can remember. Renovation is definitely one of the things that Broadbeach Florida Gardens and Broadbeach Waters can rely on. The shift lately has been to do full knockdowns. All of the Broadbeach asbestos removal jobs need to be done before any renovations can occur. Whether it’s a bathroom renovation, asbestos can be found in most homes built before 1990.

Asbestos roofs are coming to the end of their lives, and Broadbeach asbestos roof removal is a search shown that comes up a lot, we’re seeing. More and more, there are still many asbestos fences in Broadbeach as well. Asbestos fence removal, asbestos roof removal, asbestos eaves removal and asbestos bathroom removal would be the bulk of the work we do in Broadbeach, and Broadbeach waters.

Broadbeach has a lot of Highrise buildings and this has become a specialty of ours removing asbestos from Highrise buildings is a real specialist job and requires special training to ensure there is little or no disruption to the other residents discretion is very important when working in hi rise buildings.

Some of the bigger jobs we’ve done in Broadbeach would be the asbestos shop awning removal for the Spar in Armrick Avenue, many asbestos bathrooms removal on Drive, as the usual bathroom removals of some of the high rise at Broadbeach. We’ve done a lot of asbestos registers for local property developers.

The full range of asbestos related services we offer in Broadbeach are


  • Asbestos reports
  • Asbestos roof removal

  • Asbestos fence removal

  • Asbestos transport

  • Asbestos bathroom removal

  • Asbestos cladding removal

  • Asbestos commercial reports and registers

  • Asbestos wall removal

  • Asbestos ceiling removal

  • Asbestos eave removals

  • Asbestos pipe removal

  • Asbestos contaminated soil removal

  • Asbestos testing

  • Air monitoring

  • Asbestos assessments

  • Asbestos decontamination

  • Asbestos guttering removal

  • Asbestos downpipe removal

  • Asbestos flooring removal

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If you need an asbestos expert on The Gold Coast call the office on 07 55 703706 to book in an inspection for a quotation today! Or call into our office at 2/54 Newheath Drive Arundel QLD 4214


Asbestos and House Moving an Ultimate guide

Asbestos and House Moving an Ultimate guide

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Asbestos and house moving the ultimate guide! You have just found that perfect old renovator but it’s not on your block of land, so you have you dream house that is not on your dream block. In fact, its 100’s of kilometres away from where your block of land is. What are you going to do? You think, no problems get a house mover, easy. Maybe there might be a few issues with asbestos and house moving you weren’t aware of; I am here to help! Not so fast what about the asbestos? Yes, that’s right asbestos! Asbestos can be just about anywhere in older homes built before 1990 in Australia, not just houses either all buildings including relocatable buildings like dongers, classrooms , toilet blocks and offices just to name a few . You can have asbestos eaves , asbestos flooring, asbestos walls , asbestos ceilings, asbestos roofing, asbestos guttering, asbestos down pipes , asbestos metre boards it can be anywhere. If you were to leave the home on its original block no problems providing the asbestos is in good condition getting an asbestos pre purchase inspection is always worth the money before you buy a house built before 1990. Moving a home with asbestos linings is a whole other proposition and there are many local and state laws and regulations that must be satisfied. In fact, some local councils will not allow a house that contains asbestos into its boundaries. The councils that prohibit the movement of asbestos containing homes to be transported through its boundaries will insist on a clearance certificate. You will have to have the asbestos removed professionally to obtain a clearance certificate in this case. Some do some don’t it will be documented in the transport plan so there is no getting around this. Imagine being turned back by any number of local councils the house will be transported thru on its journey to your dream block of land. It is something you really can’t afford to get wrong. Then there is the state government regulations regarding the transport of asbestos and the environmental permits required for this to lawfully take place once you have this regulated waste licence you will want to ensure you have the correct asbestos specific insurances just encase something goes wrong during the move . Moving asbestos across state borders requires a whole other set of documents to be submitted and approved. Our advice is to have the asbestos professionally removed a clearance certificate issued and happy days. Below is an easy checklist to guide you thru the process. 1 Get it inspected to see if there is any asbestos likely in the home. 2 Get it tested to make sure you are 100% right 3 Get it removed by a reputable company If asbestos is found. 4 Get a clearance certificate and keep it handy. It’s easy when you know how a few things to check if you have found that you can move a house with asbestos to another block in your area. 1 Ask your house mover if they have an asbestos transport licence. 2 Ask your house mover if they have asbestos special publicity liability insurance in case something goes wrong 3 Ask your house mover if they have asbestos specific professional liability insurance just in case

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they give you the wrong advice and problems arise. The big lesson is asbestos should only be handled by professionals it’s not for cowboys with bargain pricing, and a she’ll be right attitude. If you have any further questions call the office on 0755703706 between 9 and 4 Monday to Friday.
The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) and Asbestos licensing, What you need to know.

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) and Asbestos licensing, What you need to know.

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In Queensland the building and construction industry is regulated and licensed by the QBCC it is a Queensland government business set up to be the watchdog of the industry. It is designed to give consumers a level of protection from unscrupulous and unqualified people and business operating in the industry.

One other focus they have is on making sure everybody who is qualified and licensed has protection under the QBCC act. Mostly these powers are to do with the security of payments, dispute resolution and construction law.

They are often putting warnings out about asbestos which is great to see the QBCC talking about asbestos, even though asbestos removal is not regulated by them. The QBCC doesn’t consider asbestos removal as building work and have no licensing requirements for asbestos removal companies.

This sounds a bit strange They have many other licensing gaps that are taken up by other government agencies.

Asbestos removal is licensed and regulated by the Department of justice and Workplace Health and Safety in Queensland.

In Queensland you are required to hold an A class or B class licence for your business as well as a personal qualification, you can’t operate just on personal qualifications. This is really important to note many people are trying to say things like:

“I have a tiler’s license it covers me for asbestos removal. “
“I have a builder’s license it covers me for asbestos removal. “
“I have my asbestos ticket; I can remove asbestos for you “
I have a QBCC license asbestos removal is included in it we did it a tafe”

None of these is correct and often this is what the Cowboys will tell you to trick you into thinking that they can be trusted

There is no penalty for homeowners for hiring unlicensed asbestos businesses in saying this it is important to remember why you contacted somebody else to remove asbestos from your family home , Keeping your family safe should be your number one concern .

In Queensland a builder cnd engage an asbestos removal company, you are required by law to check not only qualifications but licensing of asbestos removal companies you engage for removal work and reporting ,heavy fines apply for failure to check the credentials of asbestos removal companies for builders in Queensland . Reputable operators will be able to supply you with copies of qualifications, licenses and insurances just like any other reputable tradesman.

To recap

You can only trust an asbestos removal expert to remove asbestos in your family home!
A QBCC licence does not cover asbestos removal !
You are not required to hold a QBCC licence to remove asbestos in Queensland!
You do need an asbestos ticket and an asbestos removal business licence to remove asbestos in Queensland!
You do not need a trades qualification to remove asbestos in Queensland you do require an asbestos removal qualification and an asbestos business license!
A builders license does not cover for asbestos removal!

15 Products you won’t believe asbestos was used in!

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Asbestos was one of the most durable products known to man it’s a natural mineral that is mined for use around the world places like America, Russia, Africa, Canada, Brazil and Kazakhstan and Australia. Australia was the one of the biggest consumers of asbestos in the world per capita of the population and as a result Australia has a deadly asbestos legacy.

The word asbestos is derived from the Greek meaning inextinguishable or indestructible. Asbestos was known as the “Miracle mineral” and “The product that had a thousand uses” and it was used in over 3500 products. Some of the products that asbestos was found in you would never believe here is a short list.

Talc powderCosmeticsThe filters in cigarettesThe filters of gas masksLino flooringBakelite goodsFresh water pipesPutty for windowsCarpet underlayClothingCrayonsStipple compound for decorative ceilingsSpecialty paperFake snowAdhesives

Asbestos is banned or restricted in the following countries as of October 2018 !


South Africa,Austria,Estonia,Japan,New Caledonia,Spain
Bahrain,Finland,Jordan,New Zealand,Sweden,Belgium,France
Korea (South),Norway,Switzerland,Brazil,Gabon,Kuwait,Oman
Gibraltar,Liechtenstein,Portugal,United Kingdom
Macedonia,Saudi Arabia,Cyprus,Iceland,Malta
Serbia,Czech Republic,Iraq,Mauritius,Seychelles
Low density Board Asbestos and B class removal Licenses.

Low density Board Asbestos and B class removal Licenses.

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Low density board or LDB or sometimes known as AIB ( asbestos insulating board ) was used in homes from the 1950’s right up to the early 1970’s . It was either a flat sheet or a perforated sheet that was used for sound proofing . I is a type of asbestos sheeting that was made up of a silicate plaster and up to 70% asbestos as opposed to cement sheeting which generally contains 10 % asbestos .

Some common brand names used for LDB are Asbestolux and Duralux not to be confused with Tilux which is a laminated version of asbestos cement sheeting .Be careful sometimes the label is not on this type of sheeting and this does not mean it is not LDB exercising caution and laboratory testing is still the best way to keep your family safe.

A highly trained and experienced asbestos expert can tell by a few tell tale signs weather sheeting is LDB or standard cement sheeting .Like all asbestos sheeting a B Class asbestos removal licence at a minimum is required to remove more than 10 square meters of non friable asbestos in Queensland .

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Just like any asbestos products around the home there is no risk to your family as long as the sheeting is not damaged in any way . No sanding, water blasting , drilling or use of grinders is permitted of and asbestos products especially LDB. Precaution need to be taken at all times when working near LDB and we recommend calling an asbesto expert in to asses the risks befor work commenses.

Diy Asbestos Removal Disaster

Diy Asbestos Removal Disaster

DIY asbestos removal what could possibly go wrong? We get a lot of calls that start with “My husband has just cut into a wall and we think it might be asbestos, can you send somebody around to have a look at it for us?” It’s one of the many calls we are getting more and more of and to be honest they are the ones we wish we would never ever get we hate them!

We hate them because typically we are walking into a home and a family that has been totally contaminated with deadly asbestos fibres. We are in the business of keeping people safe that’s it, it’s our North Star nothing else is as important to us than keeping people safe. We blog, post on social media, network and engage with industry daily to get the message out Asbestos Kills.

The picture above looks just like a collection of photos of the contents of a family home ,it is in fact a catalogue of asbestos contaminated belongings that were disposed of as asbestos contaminated waste . This from the last DIY Disaster we were called in to rectify. This is the easy part we can decontaminate your family home that’s our skill set. DIY asbestos removal is not a great way to save money on a renovation, it’s reckless, it endangers your family and friends and it should be banned .

When we are called out to a DIY disaster the procedure we follow is like this . Once we are onsite we have a bit of a chat to the home owner to try to get to the truth we are not there to prosecute we are ther to make the family home safe . In a case like this we recommended moving out until the industrial hygienist had completed testing to see how far the contamination has spread in the family home .

Once we get the report from the hygenist we go about destroying all soft furnishings as contaminated waste this includes clothing , bedding,carpets, drapes anything we cannot wet wipe down . All the walls ceilings and floors are vacuumed with our asbestos approved vacuum cleaners then all hard surfaces are wet wiped down the hygents will insist on another round of tests before the home is ready for re entry. This is not covered by insurance usually and cost $1000″s of dollars one case we were involved in cost one hundred thousand dollars . Its just not worth it !

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